
To use the output CSV files from this example document, see vignette on using the DDIWAS R package.

  • This document provides example code to extract electronic health record (EHR) data organized using the OHDSI/OMOP Common Data Model.
  • There may be some institution-specific data dependencies that require minor modifications if you use the code outside of the Synthetic Derivative at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. For example, allergy list data (see ddi2 table) may be located not in the NOTE table, but rather the NOTE_NLP table. See discussion on NOTE_NLP tables.
  • The code is written to extract data from a IBM Netezza relational database.
  • Please submit questions/comments/feedback to wei-qi.wei(AT)

Extract EHR data to identify simvastatin drug interactions using DDIWAS.

Identify patients exposed to simvastatin using generic and brand names.

create table ddi1 as 
(select t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id
from (select * from drug_exposure) t1
where lower(t1.drug_source_value) like '%simvastatin%'
group by t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id)
(select t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id
from (select * from drug_exposure) t1
where lower(t1.drug_source_value) like '%zocor%'
group by t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id)
(select t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id
from (select * from drug_exposure) t1
where lower(t1.drug_source_value) like '%flolipid%'
group by t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id)
(select t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id
from (select * from drug_exposure) t1
where lower(t1.drug_source_value) like '%vytorin%'
group by t1.drug_exposure_id, t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_source_concept_id);

Example ddi1 table

Define observation period

Identify patients with simvastatin listed in their allergy list

create table ddi2 as
(select t1.person_id, t1.note_date, t1.note_text, t1.note_source_value
from (select * from note) t1
where lower(note_source_value) like '%allerg%'
  and lower(note_text) like '%simvastatin%')
(select t1.person_id, t1.note_date, t1.note_text, t1.note_source_value
from (select * from note) t1
where lower(note_source_value) like '%allerg%'
  and lower(note_text) like '%zocor%')
(select t1.person_id, t1.note_date, t1.note_text, t1.note_source_value
from (select * from note) t1
where lower(note_source_value) like '%allerg%'
  and lower(note_text) like '%flolipid%')
(select t1.person_id, t1.note_date, t1.note_text, t1.note_source_value
from (select * from note) t1
where lower(note_source_value) like '%allerg%'
  and lower(note_text) like '%vytorin%');

Example ddi2 table

For each patient in ddi2, get first date that simvastatin was listed in their allergy list

create table ddi3 as
select t1.person_id, min(t1.note_date) as case_end_date
from (select * from ddi2) t1
group by t1.person_id;

Example ddi3 table

For each patient in ddi1, get first date of simvastatin exposure

create table ddi4 as 
select t1.person_id, min(t1.drug_exposure_start_date) as first_date_simvastatin_exposure
from (select * from ddi1) t1
group by t1.person_id;

Example ddi4 table

For each patient in ddi1, get last date of simvastatin exposure

create table ddi5 as 
select t1.person_id, max(t1.drug_exposure_start_date) as last_date_simvastatin_exposure
from (select * from ddi1) t1
group by t1.person_id;

Example ddi5 table

Combine tables ddi4 and ddi5 to get first and last dates of simvastatin exposure in one table

create table ddi6 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t2.last_date_simvastatin_exposure
from (select * from ddi4) t1, (select * from ddi5) t2
where t1.person_id = t2.person_id
group by t1.person_id, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t2.last_date_simvastatin_exposure;

Example ddi6 table

Join ddi6 and ddi3 tables; label cases and controls

create table ddi7 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t2.case_end_date
from (select * from ddi6) t1
left join ddi3 t2 on t1.person_id = t2.person_id
group by t1.person_id, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t2.case_end_date;

--Label cases and controls
alter table ddi7
add column group_label int;

update ddi7
set group_label = 1
where case_end_date is not null;

update ddi7
set group_label = 0
where case_end_date is null;

Example ddi7 table

Calculate 12 months after first_date_simvastatin_exposure; calculate 12 months before case_end_date

create table ddi8 as
select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.case_end_date, add_months(t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, 12) as twelve_months_post_exposure
from (select * from ddi7) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.case_end_date, twelve_months_post_exposure;

alter table ddi8
add column twelve_months_prior_adr date; 

update ddi8 
set twelve_months_prior_adr = add_months(case_end_date, -12)
where case_end_date is not null;

Example ddi8 table

Define observation period for controls

create table ddi9 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure as start_date, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.twelve_months_post_exposure
from (select * from ddi8 where group_label = 0) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.last_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.twelve_months_post_exposure;

alter table ddi9
add column end_date date; 

update ddi9
set end_date = twelve_months_post_exposure
where last_date_simvastatin_exposure > twelve_months_post_exposure;

update ddi9
set end_date = last_date_simvastatin_exposure
where end_date is null;

Example ddi9 table

Define observation period for cases

create table ddi10 as
select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, t1.case_end_date as end_date, t1.twelve_months_prior_adr
from (select * from ddi8 where group_label = 1) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.first_date_simvastatin_exposure, end_date, t1.twelve_months_prior_adr;

alter table ddi10 
add column start_date date; 

update ddi10
set start_date = twelve_months_prior_adr 
where first_date_simvastatin_exposure < twelve_months_prior_adr;

update ddi10 
set start_date = first_date_simvastatin_exposure
where start_date is null;

Example ddi10 table

Merge cases and controls observation period tables

create table ddi11 as
(select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date
from (select * from ddi9) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date)
(select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date
from (select * from ddi10) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date);

Example ddi11 table

Obtain all drugs listed in allergy list for patients in ddi11 before and on end_date

create table ddi12 as
select t1.person_id, t1.note_text, min(t1.note_date) as first_adr_date
from (select * from note) t1, (select * from ddi11) t2
where t1.person_id in (t2.person_id)
and lower(note_source_value) like '%allerg%'
group by t1.person_id, t1.note_text; 

create table ddi13 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.note_text, t1.first_adr_date, t2.start_date, t2.end_date
from (select * from ddi12) t1 
left join ddi11 t2 on (t1.person_id = t2.person_id)
group by t1.person_id, t1.note_text, t1.first_adr_date, t2.start_date, t2.end_date;

create table ddi14 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.note_text, t1.first_adr_date, t1.start_date, t1.end_date
from (select * from ddi13) t1
where t1.first_adr_date <= t1.end_date
group by t1.person_id, t1.note_text, t1.first_adr_date, t1.start_date, t1.end_date;

Example ddi14 table

Obtain outpatient drug exposures for patients in ddi11 during observation period

create table ddi15 as 
select t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date as date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_concept_id
from (select * from drug_exposure) t1, (select * from ddi11) t2
where t1.person_id in (t2.person_id)
and t1.drug_exposure_start_date >= t2.start_date
and t1.drug_exposure_start_date <= t2.end_date
group by t1.person_id, t1.drug_exposure_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_concept_id;

create table ddi16 as 
select t1.person_id, t2.visit_start_date as outpatient_visit_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_concept_id
from (select * from ddi15) t1, (select person_id, visit_start_date from visit_occurrence where visit_concept_id = 9202) t2
where t1.person_id = t2.person_id
and = t2.visit_start_date
group by t1.person_id, t2.visit_start_date, t1.drug_source_value, t1.drug_concept_id;

--collapse `ddi16` to earliest date
create table ddi17 as
select t1.person_id, t1.drug_concept_id
from (select * from ddi16) t1
group by t1.person_id, t1.drug_concept_id;

Example ddi17 table

Obtain covariates for patients in ddi11

create table ddi18 as
select t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date, t2.gender_source_value as gender, date(t2.birth_datetime) as dob, t2.race_source_value as race
from (select * from ddi11) t1, (select * from person) t2
where t1.person_id = t2.person_id
group by t1.person_id, t1.group_label, t1.start_date, t1.end_date, gender, dob, race;

Example ddi18 table

Download tables as CSV file for downstream processing and analysis in R

Download ddi14 as CSV file ddi_adr_data.csv

select * from ddi14;

Download ddi17 as CSV file ddi_drug_exposures.csv

select * from ddi17;

Download ddi18 as CSV file ddi_covariates.csv

select * from ddi18;