For calculating Elixhauser comorbidity scores



A data frame with 2 variables: group and weight

A data frame with 31 rows and 2 variables:


Elixhauser comorbidity group. From Elixhauser et al 1998


Comorbidity weight. From van Walraven et al 2009


Elixhauser, A., Steiner, C., Harris, D. R. & Coffey, R. M. Comorbidity measures for use with administrative data. Med. Care 36, 8–27 (1998)

van Walraven C, Austin PC, Jennings A, Quan H and Forster AJ. A modification of the Elixhauser comorbidity measures into a point system for hospital death using administrative data. Medical Care 2009; 47(6):626-633. DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e31819432e5